Performance of L'Enfer au Collège
Yesterday afternoon, our CM1 students in Terminale attended a stage performance of Gudule’s work L’enfer au Collège, presented by our 4th and 3rd grade students.
By following the daily life of Gaspar, a 6th grader, this text highlights the seriousness of bullying at school and the need to deal with it effectively. It shows that bullying should not be tolerated, that victims are not responsible for what happens to them and that bystanders should intervene to help those who are being bullied. It also shows the harmful effects bullying can have on victims’ lives, mental health and personal development.
Under the guidance of Ms Lajonie, literature teacher, and Ms Philippe, documentary specialist teacher, our students worked hard to prepare this performance. Their involvement in this project shows their commitment to an important cause and sends a clear message to our entire community: ” No to all forms of harassment!”